Stenographer,skill test full details

Skill Test in Stenography:
(i) The candidates who are shortlisted in the Computer Based Examination for the 
next stage will have to appear for the Skill Test in Stenography. 

The candidate will be given one dictation for 10 minutes in English or Hindi (as opted by the 
candidates in the online Application Form) at the speed of 100 word per minute 
for the post of Stenographer Grade „C‟ and 80 w.p.m. for the post of 
Stenographer Grade „D‟. The matter will have to be transcribed on computer. 
The transcription time is as follow,

Stenographer  skill test exam
Grade „D‟  english 50 minut
Hindi=65 minut

Grade „C‟===40 Minutes

Hindi===  55 minutes

Candidates who opt to take the Stenography Test in Hindi will be required to 
learn English Stenography and vice versa after their appointment, failing which 
their probation may not be cleared by appointing departments. Candidates have 
to work as English/ Hindi stenographers as per the functional requirement of the 
User Office irrespective of the medium of Skill Test of candidate during the 
(iii) The Skill Test will be held at the Commission‟s Regional/ Sub Regional Offices 
or at other Centre(s) as may be decided by the Commission.
(iv) Detailed instructions, if any, regarding Skill Test will be sent by the concerned 
Regional/ Sub Regional Offices of the Commission to the candidates called for 
the Skill Test.
(v) Standard instructions regarding modality of evaluation of Skill Test is available 
at the Candidate‟s Corner Section on the Commission‟s website.

Document Verification (DV):
(a) All the candidates qualified for Document Verification are required to appear for 
Document Verification along with the photocopies and original documents as 
mentioned at Para: 15 (d).

(b) Detailed options for various posts and departments will be taken from candidates 
either online or at the time of document verification. A candidate will not be 
considered for a Ministry/ Department/ Organization, if he/ she has not indicated his/ 
her preference for it. Options confirmed at the time of Document Verification will 
be treated as final and will not be changed subsequently under any circumstances. 
Therefore, candidates are advised to be careful in exercise of such options.

(c) While giving preference of the posts/ Departments either online or at the time of 
Document Verification, the candidates may note that the Border Roads Organization 
(BRO) have specific requirement of Physical Standards, Physical Tests and Medical 
Standards. Candidates must ensure that they fulfill all the requirement of BRO before 
giving their preferences/ options. Measurement of Physical Standards and Physical 
and Medical Tests will be conducted by the BRO after final selection and nomination 
of candidates to BRO. Notification with regard to Physical/ Medical Standards, etc 
issued by BRO is placed at Annexure XVI.
(d) Candidates have to bring two passport size recent colour photographs and one 
original valid Photo ID Proof while appearing for the Document Verification. Photo 
ID Proof can be:
i. Aadhaar Card/ Printout of E-Aadhaar.
ii. Voter ID Card.
iii. PAN Card.
iv. Passport.
v. Driving License.
vi. Government School/ College ID Card.
vii. Employer ID (Govt./ PSU).
viii. Any other Photo bearing ID Card issued by Central/ State Govt. 
(e) Candidates will have to submit copies of various documents like:
i. Matriculation/ Secondary Certificate.
ii. Educational Qualification Certificate.
iii. Order/ letter in respect of equivalent Educational Qualifications indicating 
the Authority (with number and date) under which it has been so treated,